Greeting from the President of the KAIS
The Korean Association of the Islamic Studies (KAIS) was established in 1989 and is currently celebrating its 35th anniversary as a leading force in the history of Islamic studies in Korea. The establishment of Islamic studies in Korea commenced with the recitation of the Quran by a group of Islamic scholars, and has since undergone significant growth due to the dedication and effort of its predecessors and successors.
Despite the common portrayal of the Middle East and Islam as a source of conflict and clash, a more nuanced understanding of their role in the development of civilization and history reveals their significance as a conduit for the exchange of cultures between the East and the West. This exchange has resulted in the creation of new cultures and ideas, and there is a growing recognition of the need to make changes for the future.
As a research institute specializing in Islamic studies in Korea, KAIS will continue to conduct diverse and continuous research on the Middle East and Islam, transcending religious boundaries, and expand its activities through collaboration with other countries and institutions. Furthermore, we will endeavour to provide a comprehensive range of research and activity opportunities for future generations of scholars, in accordance with the unwavering commitment and fervour of our predecessors and past presidents for the KAIS.
We are profoundly grateful for the dedication and commitment of our members to the advancement of the KAIS. We look forward to your continued active participation and interest in our endeavors.
1 January 2024
President Kim Suwan